Related topics
The list below intends to inform, to help explain the focus of and to help avoid repetition. It is far from comprehensive, and does not imply endorsement. Please add references and relevant categories.
Perspective similar to asks everyone to consider what follows from the assumption that civilization continues for millions of generations on planet earth while the sun provides a suitable environment. Many already have, although none have been found who thought about it in the same way and with the same perspective. Please add any relevant information.
Online collaborative efforts
- Appropedia provides collaborative solutions in sustanability, poverty reduction and international development through the use of appropriate technology and the sharing of project information. It was founded by Lonny Grafman in 2006 and was joined by similar sites (Sustainable Development Wikia, WinWinWiki,, Village Earth's ATwiki, HowToLiveWiki). On the site, Rob Hopkins is heading a collaborative effort to write the 2d edition of the Transition Handbook: from oil dependency to local resilience.
- Ekopedia is a practical d'encyclopedia project treating alternative techniques of life initiated byJean-Luc Henry in 2002 and organized by the Fondation Ékopédia. It provides solutions for practical ecology
- The Mind·Exchange is an open forum with a focus on emerging trends in technology and related fields.
- Sustainability Science organizes a Forum
- Wiser Earth explores various ways of collaboration including a network, forums and Wiki Pages.
Long term thinking
(see also Futurology below)
- The Long Now Foundation was established in 01996* to creatively foster long-term thinking and responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years. ( would like to encourage long term thinking but was started in the belief that thinking about a steady state is in many respects easier than thinking about developments in tens, hundreds or thousands of years.)
Explaining sustainability
- The Brundtland comission's report concluded that Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts:
- the concept of 'needs', in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which overriding priority should be given; and
- the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.
- John R. Ehrenfeld of the [ International Society for Industrial Ecology] bases his book "Sustainability by Design" (ISBN-13: 978-0300137491) upon the definition that sustainability is the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on Earth forever.
- has a collection of links regarding sustainability
- Project Worldview has list of links on sustainability and enoughness
- US Environmental Protection Agency EPA defines Sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
- Wikipedia entry Sustainability discusses various definitions
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Theories about sustainable economy
- Herman Daly: "STEADY-STATE ECONOMICS" (1991): Chapter 5: A Catechism of Growth Fallacies
- Herman E. Daly and Kenneth N. Townsend: VALUING THE EARTH: Economics, Ecology, Ethics (1993) p.267 - SUSTAINABLE GROWTH: An Impossibility
- Henry George believed that that the public collection of the rent of land leads to vigorous, sustainable prosperity.
- Schumacher, E. F.; Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered : 25 Years Later...With Commentaries !1999). Hartley & Marks Publishers ISBN 0-88179-169-5
- Wikipedia entry Sustainability discusses various economists and theories in its History section.
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Enable the future of human civilization, increase resilence of human civilization, make human civilization sustainable
- Lists
- The Open Directory Project's list of societies concerned with sustainable development
- The Forum on Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development is an attempt to outline the burgeoning field. Among other things, it lists the key documents, websites and a forum.
- Wiser Earth is "an online community space for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and those that support their work." It lists organizations that form what Paul Hawken, the founder of Wiser Earth, says is "humanities immune response to resist and heal political disease, economic infection, and ecological corruption, caused by ideologies." The project is run by the Natural Capital Institute. Paul Hawken explains the movement in his address at the Bioneers conference 2006.
- Project Worldview has list of links on sustainability and enoughness
- The Sustainable Development Network is a coalition of individuals and non-governmental organizations who believe that sustainable development is about empowering people, promoting progress, eliminating poverty and achieving environmental protection through the institutions of the free society.
- Yahoo! collected sites related to Sustainable_Development.
- The Alliance of Civilization (AoC) was established in 2005, at the initiative of the Governments of Spain and Turkey, under the auspices of the United Nations to explore the roots of polarization between societies and cultures today, and to recommend a practical programme of action to address this issue. The Alliance of Civilizations (AoC) aims to improve understanding and cooperative relations among nations and peoples across cultures and religions and, in the process, to help counter the forces that fuel polarization and extremism.
- Michael Braungart and William McDonough: Cradle to Cradle Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (2002). In this book the authors explain that doing more with less may be less bad but is still no good, because only really fully wasteless (waste is food) ways are sustainable.
- The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists informs the public about threats to the survival and development of humanity from nuclear weapons, climate change, and emerging technologies in the life sciences and suggests measures to reduce the threats.
- Carbonrally is a web-based activism platform offering individuals and groups a fun, simple and social way to have a measurable impact on climate change.
- The Center for Environment and Population (CEP) strengthens the scientific basis of policies and public outreach, to achieve a long-term sustainable balance between people and the natural environment.
- De Kleine Aarde is a Dutch organization providing inspiration for sustainable living.
- The Designers Accord is a global coalition of designers, educators, researchers, engineers, and corporate leaders, working together to create positive environmental and social impact. Its mission includes createing a web platform to enable the conversation about opportunities and challenges associated with creating products and services that make positive social and environmental impact.
- Dot Earth is a blog on the NY Times website where reporter Andrew C. Revkin examines efforts to balance human affairs with the planet’s limits.
- The Earth Charter Initiative s a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society for the 21st century.
- The Earth Policy Institute is dedicated to building a sustainable future as well as providing a plan of how to get from here to there.
- The Earthship Biotecture is a company promoting "proven, totally sustainable designs, construction drawings & details, products, educational materials, lectures / presentations, consultation & guidance toward getting people in sustainable housing".
- The Ecological Design Institute is a non profit organization dedicated to research and education that applies ecological principles and practices to the redesign of our environment. Founded in 1969 by Sim Van der Ryn, the Ecological Design Institute was one of the first non profit organizations to focus on a whole systems approach to the design of the built environment by integrating architecture, human and natural ecology.
- Apparently to reduce environmental problems in the US, the Federation on American Immigration Reform organizes a debate around immigration, overpopulation and environmental disaster. While immigration policy may be necessary for nations, the author of these lines fears that such interests will not contribute ultimately sustainable solutions to environmental issues. In light of million generations on this planet the focus on one nation seems neither obvious nor helpful, humans come in one kind and unless someone finds sustainable ways to live on this planet no single part of it is will be able to continue.
- Freedom from Hunger attempts to bring sustainable answers to the global hunger crisis.
- The Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University, researches and publishes on big picture questions for humanity. Its director is Nick Bostrom, who is also co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association and the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
- The guardians of the future believe that people who live today have the sacred right and obligation to protect the commonwealth of the Earth and the common health of people and all our relations for many generations to come.
- Bill Joy's influential call to contain dangerous technologies (robotic, genetic, nanotechnology) "Why the future doesn't need us" (see also the risks section below) (re-)started many discussions on the risks of progress and what to do about it. Such discussions can be found in e.g., Alexander Huw Arnall's report for Greenpeace on Future Technologies and Today's Choices, Kurzweil's Mind·Exchange, Focus Bill Joy and Charles T. Rubin's article on The Rhethoric of extinction.
- Raymond Kurzweil is the author of several books on artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, the technological singularity, and futurism and a leading optimist regarding technological developments. He points to the exponential nature of both evolution and technological progress and believes we will succeed in reverse engeering the human brain in the 2020ies resulting in a technological singularity. One of his websites presents a discussion of the various dangerous technologies and the Mind·Exchange, an open forum with a focus on emerging trends in technology and related fields. The site also contains a large number of articles by "big thinkers" on the subject. Wikipedia's article on Raymond Kurzweil references a lot of his work, and its entry on his book The Singularity is Near contains a summary and a list of Kurzweil's predictions.
- The The Loka Institute's vision is to kindle a vibrant popular movement for community-driven policies in research, science, and technology that will advance democracy, social justice, and ecological sustainability at every level.
- La Marguerite is a blog started by Marguerite Manteau-Rao "focused on behavioral solutions to climate change and other sustainability issues"
- The Natural Capital Institute serves the people who are transforming the world. It describes itself as a team of researchers, teachers, students, activists, scholars, writers, social entrepreneurs, artists, and volunteers committed to the restoration of the earth and the healing of human culture.
- Natural Step an organization started by Karl-Henrik Robèrt, see also the Wikipedia article on the Natural Step Framework
- The Resilence Alliance is multidisciplinary research group that explores the dynamics of complex adaptive systems.
- The Science and Environmental Health Network is working to implement the precautionary principle as a basis for environmental and public health policy.
- The SENSE Research School for Socio-Economic and Natural Sciences of the Environment] is a joint venture of the environmental research institutes of nine Dutch universities. It has a list of policy-relevant research questions for a sustainable future contributed by users.
- is a web based people-powered guide to sustainable living. contains personal accounts of how-tos, news, and local business and product reviews for sustainable living. SustainLane US City Rankings is a national survey that ranks the largest 50 US cities in terms of their sustainability practices.
- Foundation Urgenda intends to stimulate and accelerate processes that aim for a more sustainable civilization, starting in The Netherlands.
- Worldchanging magazine is a solutions-based online magazine that works from a simple premise: that the tools, models and ideas for building a better future lie all around us. That plenty of people are working on tools for change, but the fields in which they work remain unconnected. That the motive, means and opportunity for profound positive change are already present. That another world is not just possible, it's here. We only need to put the pieces together.
- YESSS, Young Ecosystem-Scholars Support Services is an initiative of Paul Horan who offered a reward to “deserving young eco-geniuses” for their reflections on “what’s sustainable and what’s not"
- ZeroGrowth answers the question "why zero growth?" with another question: "why not?" The concept would seem to deserve a clearer explanation.
In many instances, "sustainable" unfortunately seems to have become a fashionable adjective rather independent from a long-term, steady state perspective
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Futurology, Predicting and Shaping the Future
- The European Commission's FOR-LEARN Online Foresight Guide
- IEET: Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies intends to become a center for voices arguing for a responsible, constructive approach to emerging human enhancement technologies. It believes that technological progress can be a catalyst for positive human development so long as we ensure that technologies are safe and equitably distributed. They call this a "technoprogressive" orientation.
- IFTF: the Institute for the Future is an independent, nonprofit research group with nearly 40 years of forecasting experience. The core of its work is identifying emerging trends and discontinuities that will transform global society and the global marketplace. It launched a multiplayer forecasting game Superstruct Game in October 2008.
- The Millennium Project of The World Federation of UN Associations is a global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments, corporations, NGOs, and universities.
- The Planetary Society and the Carl Sagan Foundation promote human exploration of space and public science education. Carl Sagan argued for protection of our Pale Blue Dot and for the necessity of spaceflight to avoid extinction, a point made by Michael Huang's site on spaceflight or extinction.
- UNIDO's Technology Foresight provides inputs for the formulation of technology policies and strategies that guide the development of the technological infrastructure. In addition, technology foresight provides support to innovation, and incentives and assistance to enterprises in the domain of technology management and technology transfer, leading to enhanced competitiveness and growth.
- The World Future Society is a nonprofit, nonpartisan scientific and educational association of people interested in how social and technological developments are shaping the future
- The World Transhumanist Association advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities. It also explores risks as well as benefits, with the ultimate aim of developing workable strategies and policies to enable societies and individuals to navigate the waters ahead.
- Wikipedia articles on Futurology], Foresight and future studies and Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
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Collapses of civilizations
- Jared Diamond: Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2005). New York: Viking Books. ISBN 0-14-303655-6. Video of a talk of J. Diamond at the Long Now Foundation
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Threats to survival of civilizations, existential risks
- Armageddon Online collects stories about disasters
- Nick Bostrom's article on Existential Risks - Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios and Related Hazards, and Nick Bostrom and Milan Cirkovic's collection of essays by 26 experts on Global Catastrophic Risks
- The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists informs the public about threats to the survival and development of humanity from nuclear weapons, climate change, and emerging technologies in the life sciences. In 2007, its Doomsday clock has been advanced by two minutes and is now set at five minutes to Midnight. Many worry about the risks of technical progress to humanity, e.g. Bill Joy's influential call to contain dangerous technologies (robotic, genetic, nanotechnology) "Why the future doesn't need us". Progress seems an entirely good thing, but the assymetry of offensive versus defensive capability and the difficulty to predict complex systems make the prospect that with continued progress it is only a question of time until anyone can create pathogens or weapons of mass destruction a serious concern and a leading contender for the solution to Fermi's paradox.
- Exit Mundi, a large collection of end-world scenarios by Maarten Keulemans (also available as book in Dutch)
- Frank Furedi "Confronting the New Misanthropy" in Spiked, April 18 2006
- The Guardian April 14, 2005: "What a way to go" Scientists name the greatest dange r to civilization.
- John Hamaker: "The Survival of Civilizations", 1982 (www editon 2002 with annotations by Donald Weaver). Hamaker discusses the threat of a glacial period.
- James Howard Kunstler's "The Long Emergency" discusses the end of cheap fossil fuels.
- Jay Hanson, Tom Robertson site provide a lot of links and information on sustainability and energy
- Eugene Linden's "The Winds of Change" discusses weather and the destruction of civilisations.
- Stephen Petranek: 10 ways the world could end Video at the 2002 TED conference
- Asteroids, a question of when and how big
- Black Hole about a billion miles away could alter earth's orbit
- Epidemic
- Solar flares
- Poles reverse
- Biotech mishap
- Particle accelerator mishap creates lasting black hole or strangelets
- The Ecosystem collapses, solve by ecosystem modelling and huge biodiversity reserves
- Aliens invade earth
- We loose the will to survive due to the spreading of depression, the biggest epidemic humans have ever faced
- TV
- ABC TV program Earth 2100
- ABC TV documentary Last Days On Earth on 7 real end-of-the-world scenarios (Wed. Aug 30 2006)
- Wikipedia entries on Risks to civilization humans and planet Earth, Existential Risk and Societal Collapse summarize and reference a lot of work
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Surviving threats
- The Lifeboat Foundation is a nonprofit nongovernmental organization dedicated to encouraging scientific advancements while helping humanity survive existential risks and possible misuse of increasingly powerful technologies, including genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics/AI, as we move towards a technological singularity.
-'s Predict and Prevent initiative will use information and technology to empower communities to predict and prevent emerging threats before they become local, regional, or global crises.
- Wikipedia entry on Survivalism contains a many references, mostly about surviving on a personal level rather than as a civilization.
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